My Focus for August is Examining Obstacles
I love the transition from one month to the next. In July I was focusing on my focus. On a scale of 0 to 10 with 0 being I did nothing and 10 being I noticed and shifted my focus to things that would help me be the person I want to be, I give myself a 6. I was able to get to a 6 because I spent some time noticing my focus. I found that I noticed when my focus wasn’t where I wanted it to be more than when I was focused on something that would help me reach my goals.
One thing I learned from the month was that it would be helpful to be more specific about the goal. I am also more likely to do something when it’s fun or when I’m reminded to do it. For August, I am going to test making my goal, or the measurement of my goal, more fun.
My main goal is to examine the obstacles preventing me from being who I want to be.
In last week’s post, Using the AIM SMART framework for taking small steps to achieve big goals, I reviewed a technique for raising your baseline by taking small steps. Below is how I’m using the template for my August goal (see the previous post to download the worksheet).
I created the worksheet to help brainstorm small steps. There is no wrong way to use it. If you find yourself frustrated, you are on the right path!
AIM (minimally Acceptable, Ideal, and stretch goal - in the Middle)
I started with the idea that I wanted to notice obstacles or blocks in my life. Ideally, I would understand the root cause and plan accordingly. The least I could do is just keep plowing ahead.
Obstacles to reaching my stretch goal
In the next step, I explore why it’s so hard for me. Sometimes I’m just wrapped up in getting through the day. Other times I start off strong and then forget that I had a plan or goal.
Things I could try that would help me reach my stretch goal - notice the variety of things I could do or ways I could do them
Notice and name obstacles
Record obstacles and look for patterns
Journal about obstacles - the what, when, where, who, how
Set daily intentions to notice, record, or journal
Set aside time to review my day
Put reminders in key places
Ask others to help me - I just got upset with a family member, I could ask them to help me when I’m upset (if they notice before I say something I don’t mean to say…)
I could make it fun by creating a checklist or Bingo card
Practice self-compassion
Celebrate uncovering obstacles
What I want to try
After working through the exercise I realized that there is a lot more to attaining my goal than I had originally thought. My new plan is to celebrate noticing 31 obstacles with a fun and graphical checklist. Of course, I now have to create my graphical checklist… but that’s part of the fun.
Specific: Celebrate noticing 31 obstacles this month by having a fun graphical page to record and check them off
Measurement: A the end of the month I will have 31 checkmarks
Achievable: Yes
Reasonable: I found a way to make it fun
Timing: On average one checkmark/day
After walking through the exercise I am much more excited about my plan for the month. I’m also curious if I will be more aware of it since I have something I’m going to record daily.
This is the tracker I created for August. Click on the image to download it as a JPG or click here to download it as a PDF.
Update from Aug 6, 2024:
So far recording obstacles has been fun and has enabled additional reflection. Earlier I dropped something in the sink and it broke a plate. My first reaction was anger and I blamed others for not putting dishes into the dishwasher. My second reaction was, hmm, something is preventing me from being the person I want to be and I can add this to my tracker.
As I explored further I was able to move from anger toward the joy of learning. The plate was still broken but I was able to pause and notice my reaction in that moment. I could celebrate that small step towards choosing the way I want to react.
I thought about possible root causes and who I wanted to be in the moment. It was exciting to not only move quickly from anger to learning but also to be able to forgive myself for the initial reaction and choose a different reaction - there was so much more that could have broken...
In what ways can you notice and reflect on the obstacles that are preventing you from reaching your goals?