
Upcoming Events

Starting July 9, 2024, Weekly on Tuesdays, at 9 am Pacific (4 pm GMT), Empower & Energize: Accountability Group for Women Achievers (open to up to 5 women)

Wed, July 17, 2024, at 9 am Pacific (4 pm GMT), Repeat Build Your Change Toolkit Workshop!

Coming in September!

Sundays, at 9 am Pacific (4 pm GMT), ADHD Group Accountability SessionsComing this summer! Sundays, at 9 am Pacific (4 pm GMT), ADHD Group Accountability Sessions

Previous Events

In Honor of International Coaching Week (May 13-19):

May 16, 2024, at 9 am Pacific (4 pm GMT), Group Coaching Session

Do you have career questions or challenges? Do you want help being heard, building alliances, or being your best self? Join us!

To celebrate ICW 2024, I’m offering two 60-minute pro bono career group coaching sessions. In our group coaching sessions, we share goals, learn practical strategies, and partner to hold each other accountable.

Leadership coaching can help you maximize your personal and professional potential. As a mom, scientist, and founder I look forward to partnering with you to discover how your strengths can lead you to greater fulfillment in all areas of your life. The session content is driven by your goals.

May 14, 2024, at 10 am Pacific (5 pm GMT), Workshop on How to Flourish and Thrive

Are you ready to flourish and thrive? The key to your journey is understanding YOUR REAL AND IDEAL SELVES. In this interactive online event, we will briefly explore well-being theory before digging into how we can apply it to our lives. Experience how being guided by a coach through actionable exercises can help you figure out how to increase positive emotions (life satisfaction), strengthen relationships, and feel more engaged. We will:

  • Explore where you are now using the measurable elements of well-being

  • Examine how you can more easily enter flow by aligning your strengths and challenges

  • Discuss how to deal with times when we don’t feel like we are thriving

May 12, 2024, at 9 am Pacific (4 pm GMT), Get it Done! ADHD Accountability Session!

Have something you need to start or complete that you keep putting off? Whether you have ADHD or not, you can benefit from this session's tools and frameworks. Join us to learn tips for making tasks easier and more fun - then EXPERIENCE THE POWER of shared intention, group support, and accountability as you spend 30 minutes doing your task. 

This hour-long event will include:

  • 10 minutes of introductions and tips

  • 10 minutes of intention setting in breakout rooms

  • 30 minutes of focused individual task work

  • 10 minutes of debriefing, celebration, and next steps

Example tasks participants have worked on in the past include:

  • Responding to emails

  • Drafting outlines for books, papers, podcasts, social media, etc.

  • Paying bills

  • Cleaning or organizing - closets, desks, etc.

  • And more!

This session is designed to leave you with a feeling of accomplishment and appreciation for how coaching can provide different strategies to help you succeed.

May 9, 2024, at 9 am Pacific (4 pm GMT), Build Your Change Toolkit Workshop

Are you thinking about a change or transition in your professional or personal life? Do you want to feel more fulfilled but are not sure where to start? Experience how being guided by a coach through actionable exercises can help you identify your personal guide to change. We will:

  • Examine areas of fulfillment in your life

  • Explore what you might want to change

  • Discuss tips for overcoming obstacles

April 30, 2024, at 9 am Pacific (4 pm GMT), Group Coaching Session

Do you have career questions or challenges? Do you want help being heard, building alliances, or being your best self? Join us!

To celebrate ICW 2024, I’m offering two 60-minute pro bono career group coaching sessions. In our group coaching sessions, we share goals, learn practical strategies, and partner to hold each other accountable.

Leadership coaching can help you maximize your personal and professional potential. As a mom, scientist, and founder I look forward to partnering with you to discover how your strengths can lead you to greater fulfillment in all areas of your life. The session content is driven by your goals.

Plus 8 individual pro bono coaching sessions

Maximize Potential by Mining for Gold SWE Vegas Talk on Friday, Feb 23 at 3:30 pm

2024 Group coaching sessions:

  • Mar 14 at 10 am Pacific, 11 am Mountain, Noon Central, and 1 pm Eastern

  • Feb 28 at 10 am Pacific, 11 am Mountain, Noon Central, and 1 pm Eastern

  • Thursdays at 1 pm Pacific, 2 pm Mountain, 3 pm Central, and 4 pm Eastern on Jan 11, Jan 18, Jan 25, Feb 1, and Feb 8

Practice Talk on Maximizing Potential on Thursday, Feb 22 at 9 am Pacific, 10 am Mountain, 11 am Central, and noon Eastern

In 2023 we ran complimentary Monthly Networking Sessions

Below is information about the sessions along with links to the blog posts with resources for each topic. If you would like additional information or to have us host one of these topics, reach out using the contact form.

Dec 5, 2023, at 11 am PT/2 pm ET, Celebrate and Plan. How do you celebrate the year and plan for the future? Join us to celebrate the things we are proud of and plan for what we want to do more of and less of.

Nov 14, 2023, at 11 am PT/2 pm ET, Coaching for Intentional Change. Coaching can help us maximize potential in ourselves and others. Join us to examine frameworks for moving toward our ideal selves.

Oct 11, 2023, Levity: Your New Superpower! Humor is a potent medicine and can ameliorate many situations. Join us to explore ways to add levity to your day.

Sept 19, 2023, Overcome the Perfection Trap! Explored adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism. Best practices to resist the pressure to be perfect so you can focus on what matters most.

Aug 1, 2023, Bring out the Best in Others:  How to Give Effective Feedback. How to partner with your reports and frame your feedback so they can hear your positive intentions. Included easy feedback delivery frameworks, preparation materials, and reflections.

Jul 11, 2023, The Gift of Feedback: How to Receive and Evaluate it Effectively. Feedback triggers, types, impact, and recovery. How to ask for the type of feedback you need and explain how you would like to receive it.

Jun 6, 2023, Build Your Power Script! How to Introduce Yourself, Pitch Ideas, and Influence. Frameworks for developing concise introductions, communicating issues, and convincing others you are the expert.

May 2, 2023, Understand Power and Build Confidence. Discussion of what we can adopt from a series of proven techniques for gaining power, with content from 7 Rules of Power by Jeffrey Pfeffer, Acting with Power by Deborah Gruenfeld, and Selfless by Brian Lowery.

Apr 4, 2023, Navigating Discomfort to Make Better Decisions and Do Hard Things, with content from Do Hard Things by Steve Magness. We discussed how realistic expectations increase confidence and strategies for navigating discomfort.

Mar 8, 2023, Society of Women Engineers Advance Learning Center Webinar, The Gift of Feedback: How to Give it and Receive It. Your ability to ask for the feedback you need can make a large difference in achieving your career goals. This session explores best practices for managers and individual contributors to ask for, give, and receive feedback. You will learn to: recognize how feedback can be biased, practice asking for and receiving feedback, and develop approaches for giving specific feedback.

Mar 7, 2023, Fail Fast and Iterate with content from Ideaflow: The Only Business Metric that Matters by Jeremy Utley and Perry Klebahn. We discussed how to create an innovation mindset for your life and work.

Tues, Feb 7, Understanding Emotions For Success with content from Lisa Feldman Barrett’s book, How Emotions Are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain. As leaders, we want to project realistic optimism and be able to interpret others’ needs. Reading behaviors can provide valuable clues. But, how well can we map behaviors to emotions and needs? We discussed how the theory of constructed emotion can help us build relationships.

Jan 19, Seven Sisters Presentation with Chavie Sharfman Sosa, Career Kickoff 2023: How to find and land the role you want

Wed, Jan 11, Life Is Too Short To Spend On Opportunities That Are No Longer Worthwhile with content from Annie Duke’s book, Quit: The Power of Knowing When to Walk Away. Are you looking to make a change in the new year? We discussed how saying no can free your time to reach your goals and allow you to focus on the things that matter most to you.