What Roles Do You Play?

We all play multiple roles in our professional and personal lives. As a working mom, I find myself as an innovator, enforcer, analyst, motivator, cheerleader, therapist, event planner, and more. In order to be successful in each role, we need to figure out what our allies and those we need to influence need. If you are in charge of a team that is not able to meet a deadline, you may need to help with resource management, expectation setting, and communication. In order to reset expectations, you may need to be deferential to some people while being more controlling with others.

What roles do you assign to powerful people?

Are there any roles you do not think powerful people should play?

Deborah Grunfeld’s book, Acting With Power states “power exists in every relationship, by virtue of the roles we play in others’ lives. But it isn’t a function of status or hierarchy. Rather, it’s about how much we are needed, and the degree to which we fulfill our responsibilities. Power isn’t a tool for self-enhancement or a resource for personal consumption. It’s a part you play in someone else’s story… Moreover, it’s not just how much power we have but how we use it that determines how powerful we actually are.”

How do the roles you play in your personal life provide experience for roles you may take on in your professional life?

When you think about your accomplishments, do you focus on more than one or two of the roles you play?


Match Your Role to the Situation


Authenticity: Be True to Which Self?