The language we use

Take 20 seconds for each of the following to record your thoughts. Powerful women are... Powerful men are... Powerless women are... Powerless men are...

Take 20 seconds for each of the following to record the first things that come to mind.

  • Powerful women are...

  • Powerful men are...

  • Powerless women are...

  • Powerless men are...

What do you notice about the words you used to describe powerful women and men?

How about the words to describe powerless women and men?

How do you think your immediate reactions affect you and your relationships?

In which quadrant did you assign more positive words?

In which quadrant did you assign more negative words?

Who is responsible for giving or taking power? Did you notice any biases or assumptions in your thoughts or the language you used?

How do the words you used in this exercise compare to the 8 words you use to describe yourself?


Performance Evaluation Language


Our 8 Words