Summary of Dan Heath’s Reset

I highly recommend Reset, Dan Heath’s new book, that came out this week! The content is well organized, each chapter ends with an informative summary, there are helpful drawings, AND there is a comprehensive pdf that contains the chapter summary information. If that wasn't helpful enough, there is also a one-page summary of the entire book. Thank you, Dan Heath!!

Below is a quick summary based on the chapters in the book and the PDF summary. I’ve also included my summary cartoon to help me process and remember the content.

Sections and Chapters - I’m always excited when the titles align with the main point of the chapters.

Find leverage points

  • Go and see the work - It seems easy, but many people don’t go to the source

  • Consider the goal of the goal - What is the big picture? What are alternate paths?

  • Study the bright spots - What is working or has worked in the past?

  • Target the constraint - What is the biggest obstacle to the goal?

  • Map the system - What are all the components and how do they work together? Find the hidden levers.

Restack Resources

  • Start with a burst - Recognize disruptions and begin with focused and intense effort.

  • Recycle waste - Get rid of anything that doesn’t add value for the stakeholders.

  • Do less and more - Shift from investing time/effort in lower-value to higher-value work.

  • Tap motivation - Find the intersection of what is required and what individuals desire.

  • Let people drive - Give others the autonomy they need to own the change.

  • Accelerate learning - Get feedback quickly, analyze it, and use it to make small changes faster.

What resonates most for you?

What one thing are you going to try? I am going to implement many of the ideas. This morning I blocked time to do a burst and found it more fun knowing it’s importance. I plan to do a lot more bursts.

I am also excited to map my work system making sure it aligns with the goal behind my goals.

I am considering implementing a form of Do Less and More for March. I often focus on the urgent instead of the important… Stay tuned for a tracking sheet on this next month (you can also see my earlier blog on the Eisenhower Box, Are you focused on what’s most important?).

For more on Reset and to access all the book’s resources, see!


February Intentions: Compassion


Focus on What You Can Control